Thursday, October 28, 2010

Doi Doi & MiMi came to visit

My mom and aunt Nell came to visit us a couple of weeks ago. My mom could hardly wait to get back and see Camdyn and luckily she was able to bring MiMi (Nell) along. We had a wonderful girls weekend shopping, playing, eating, drinking and watching football and as always it was a sad sad day when they left. Here are a few pics from our weekend...

MiMi putting me to bed...

Morning time with Doi Doi

Just a little girl talk with my Doi Doi

Waiting for the Carolina game to start

We had so much fun and we can't wait to see them again!

Busy September

September was a very busy month for us...we had lots of family that came into town to meet Camdyn for the first time. We celebrated 2 birthdays, went to the air show and went sightseeing down at Cowtown.We had a wonderful time with Grandma and Grandpa Allen, Mom and Ernie, Niki Jeff and Owen and Dad and Debbie. Camdyn loved all the attention and I'm sure misses playing "Kick the Grandma" that her Great Grandma Allen taught her. Here are some pics from all of our visitors...We had a wonderful time with them and we are looking forward to seeing them again soon!

 My Great Grandpa Allen gave me this Navy Sailor Dress so this is what we wore to pick them up from the airport...there were was so sweet...and she looks ADORABLE in it!

 Soaking up some sweet cuddle time with my Grandma

 Camdyn, Grandma & PaPa Ernie

 Camdyn with Great Grandpa & Great Grandma Allen

 Playing "Kick the Grandma"

 Happy Birthday to Mom and Grandma!! These cakes were delicious...and we ate them for days...

 Camdyn, Niki and Grandpa Allen sweet

Hanging out with Pappy and Grandma Debbie
My Pappy is pretty cool

Monday, September 13, 2010

Play Date at the Park!!

Today we had a play date and picnic at the park with Robyn, Bryson, Kara, Rhet and Lilly. I was so excited about this even though I knew Camdyn wouldn't really get to "play" very much...HOWEVER, I decided that she should at least get out of the car seat/stroller for just a bit!! SO...she had her first ride down the slide and her first swing experience...with mommy of course. And I think she loved it! Thanks guys for a great play date and we can't wait for more!!

I loved the swing!


My sweet sweet baby!!

Bryson and Lilly

Bryson and Rhet

Uncle Parkes and Aunt Meredith came to visit!!!

My brother and his fiancee Meredith were finally able to make a trip to come and visit us and meet Camdyn. With their busy schedules with work and planning for their wedding they were only able to plan to come visit us for a quick weekend...Friday night until Sunday afternoon...WELL DELTA HAD OTHER PLANS FOR THEM...unfortunately they were delayed out of Richmond to Atlanta and missed their connection in Atlanta, which happened to be the last flight they had to we only got to spend about 24 hours with them...Even thought it was short, it was a wonderful trip and I know we all wish we had had more time together!! I think they will be back soon! Camdyn loved them both!!

Uncle Parkes couldn't wait to get home and hold Camdyn!!! And watch the Carolina football game...LOL

A little bonding time with my Uncle Parkes...he didn't like it too much when I cried though...LOL

Aunt Meredith brought me a lot of Clemson clothes so I was ready to watch the game...oh and this just happened to be one of my favorite spots to chill...

Told ya...I loved this spot...put me right to sleep!

THANKS FOR COMING TO VISIT UNCLE PARKES AND AUNT MERE!!! We miss you already and can't wait for you to come back!!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Camdyn's 2 month check up!

It's been so long since I have blogged...I know an update on Camdyn is well overdue. We just had her 2 month check up on Friday and she is growing like a weed! She weighs 11lbs 1oz and is 22.5 inches long! She had to get 4 shots this time and let me tell you she put on a show. That cry was pitiful & heart breaking for the nurse and I! We were so glad that Justin was there to calm her down. He does so great with her and she just calms the second he picks her up and talks to her. She is a daddy's girl for sure!!
Not only is she growing but she is smiling now and does well watching and following your face or toys. We still have a lot of work to do on tummy time though. She has a very strong neck and head but does not like to use her arms to hold herself up when she is on her tummy. We have had a few days of great sleep (7-8 hours) but still most nights are small short lived snoozes of about 3-4 hours. Daddy has been a huge help with feeding her bottles at night so mommy gets to go to bed early. I think they enjoy their bonding time. She seems so much more relaxed with Daddy. Guess she gets tired of hanging with me all day...LOL.
This month we are getting ready to have a lot of family in town and we are looking forward to that. My brother and his fiancee', Meredith will be here next weekend and then Grandma and Grandpa Donlan and Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Allen will be here a week later and then Pappy Ralph and Grandma Debbie will be here towards the end of the month. It will be a busy one but I'm sure we will have a blast! They are all looking forward to meeting Camdyn!


I love fall mostly because I am a huge college football fan!! Camdyn has graciously volunteered to be a cheerleader along with her mommy for game day! Check out her adorable outfits!




I had been waiting to post this because I was trying to get a video of Camdyn smiling loaded...but I have not had any luck with instead I am posting this late with some pics of Camdyn. She started smiling while Justin was away in Alaska. These were all taken around month 1.

Happy Baby! First real smile caught on camera!

Sleeping angel

Camdyn's First Date

Camdyn had her first date with Bryson!! Bryson is my friends little boy...they live next door...there will be many playdates in the future for the two of them! SO CUTE!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Check out my new fish...

Well, you've probably seen some changes to our blog recently. I (Justin) have successfully screwed it up somehow while trying to find a new back ground. Jess will have to get on here and fix it, but in the mean time I did find and add some fish as you can see above. They'll chase your mouse so watch out!! But if you left click in the tank you can feed them. So please feed my fish. Oh, BTW... Jess and Camdyn are doing great. Camdyn is sleeping in her own bed, where we use a space age monitoring device to keep track of her. She's not quite sleeping through the night but after a good meal she's out for about 3-4 hours. Jess stays busy keeping her satisfied and is doing an excellent job as a new mother! Grandpa just departed for the confederate state of SC. Grandma is still here for another week or so and is a huge help, and I am back to work. Note to all the new fathers out there (while I was trying to make light of our current situation) I compared my lovely wife to the female of the Bovine species (aka...Cow). I said she grazed all day and milked all night. Well... my poor attempt at a joke didn't get taken as such. So, note to self, no jokes for this guy. ;) Take care... will update soon.  ** PS... we uploaded our newborn photos to Walgreen's website, there is a link at the top of the blog, you can order them straight from there or just peruse, if you're interested.     

Friday, July 23, 2010

Camdyn's 2 Week Check Up

Today we had Camdyn's 2 week check up. She got a great report! She now weighs in at 8lbs 15oz. She is 20.5 inches long and her head measurement was 36cm. She is in the 80th percentile for weight and 60th percentile for height and head circumfirence. Dr Crosse said she was healthy and of course cute :) I was worried she wasn't getting enough at each feeding but it seems that she is eating plenty. So seems all is well in the Dahman household!! We will see Dr Crosse again Sept 24th for Camdyn's 2 month check up...which won't be as fun for her because of shots...we will see how that goes. Hope all is well with all of you!

Measuring Camdyn's head...36cm - 60th percentile

Camdyn has grown 1 inch since birth: now 20.5inches long - 60th percentile

Weighing in at 8lbs 15oz - 80th percentile (growing like a weed)

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Camdyn Update

Camdyn and Jess are doing great. Camdyn has been steadily gaining weight and is now nearly 9 lbs!! We are going to celebrate her 1 week birthday tomorrow (Monday, 19 July) @ 8:43pm CST. Jess is healing, she is sore and a little swollen but has a great attitude and is loving being a mom. Our nights have been a little restless with our little bundle of joy but it was to be expected. Her routine is as follows..... Eat, Sleep, Cry, Poop, Eat, Poop, Sleep. All-in-all she is a very content baby (for now....) she loves to be held and loved on. She already has a very strong neck and does all she can to pick her head up often to see what's going on around her. I think she will be very inquisitive, graduate high school with a 4.0 and perfect SAT scores, she'll then go on to Harvard on a full academic scholarship where she'll graduate with honors. She'll then go on to get her Masters & Doctorate, as she will make a breakthrough discovery through her intense studies on how to harness solar energy and use it to stop world hunger and bring world peace. (That's all I've got planned for now but I'm pretty sure that's how it'll play out, with minor variations of course ;) More to come... take care.

justin, jess, camdyn, & riley.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Camdyn Grace has arrived

Jess and I were blessed with the arrival of our baby girl on 12 July 2010, at 8:43pm. She weighed 8lbs 8oz, and was 19.5 inches long. It was a 16 hour labor that ended in a C-Section. Jess handled it great, it was definitely an exhausting experience. Camdyn is doing great, she can't wait to meet you all. Thanks for all the love and support.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Well, another Dr. appointment down and no baby. Today we went in because we've past the due date and had to try and figure out if there was a reason that Camdyn hasn't made her appearance. After finding out all her vitals were great to include her heart rate, amniotic fluid levels, movement, and fetal breathing were normal, we figured out that the only viable reason was that she is as stubborn as her daddy. She's already Daddy's little girl and she's not even here yet! So, to make a long story short the ultra-sound technician was nice enough to give us a sneak peak by printing some 4-dimensional pictures of her face. We then went to see our OBGYN, she examined the ultra-sounds and Jess' vitals and everything looks great and we started to discuss a possible induction next week. We were hoping for Monday or Tuesday but the hospital is so busy they couldn't fit us in until Wednesday at 7pm for meds and the actual induction at 7am Thursday morning when we would admit Jessica to the hospital and get this ball rolling. At that point only time will tell when we'll meet our new addition. HOPEFULLY... none of this will come in to play and we'll go in to labor naturally this weekend. Lets cross our fingers. See ya next time...

Camdyn's first photo

Camdyn's second photo. ;) Who does she look like mom/dad??

Saturday, July 3, 2010

40 weeks and ready for game day!

OK... we are ready to go and little miss Camdyn seems to be very comfortable with her current studio apartment within Jess. As for the rest of us, Grandma, Daddy, Mommy, and Riley are ready for the grand entrance of our new addition. Jess is at max capacity, and can't really grow anymore without becoming a teeter-totter. The last Dr. appointment (Thursday) went really well... she was measuring 40 weeks, baby's heart-rate is good, Mommy's blood pressure is excellent. Gained only 1/2 pound but everything is looking great. DUE DATE: 8 July, if for some reason she doesn't make her entrance by then, we have an appointment scheduled for a ultrasound on the 9th of July to make sure Camdyn is still happy and then we'll start to talk about a possible induction the following week.

Jess at 40 weeks and ready to pop!

Happy and scared.... gonna be a Mommy soon!

I'll be keeping this up-to-date when the festivities start with pictures & words, so stay tuned for more info....

Birthday for Grandma!

We are blessed to have Grandma (Doi-Doi) here to visit and help with the birth of Camdyn. We had our fingers crossed for Camdyn to share a birthday with her Doi-Doi but unfortunately it didn't happen. SO... instead of the hospital we went to Sumo, a local hibachi grill to celebrate Doi-Doi's 29th birthday, or at least that is what she tells us!? ;) Regardless we are thankful to have her and happy to be able to celebrate her birthday.

Our Chef, singing happy birthday as he made her a flaming candle.

Justin, Jess, & Doi-Doi celebrating Doris' 22nd, 29th b-day in a row.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Dr's visit update

We have had 2 more dr's visits in the last two weeks...
Our visit on June 4th showed that I had gained 4 lbs in 2.5 weeks, which is good since I was struggling to gain...this made my weight gain a total of 14 lbs so far. Camdyn's heart rate was 150 and she was measuring right on schedule, she is head down and ready to roll. I haven't made any progress as far as dilation yet...will check again on our dr's visit on the 17th.
We had another Dr's visit yesterday (June 10th). I did not gain any weight this week which is unreal but it seems that Camdyn is actually measuring 37 weeks instead of 36. The dr doesn't seem to be concerned with my weight gain only being 14 pounds so far since Camdyn is measuring on time/ahead of time (Daddy is of course worried still). Her heart rate was in the 140s and she is still head down. I also got the results of my Group B strep test and that was negative so that was good news.
I have been having lots of Braxton Hicks over the last two weeks! They get more and more intense each day but the dr says that's my body's way of preparing me for the big day. I have another dr's visit this Thursday and she will let me know if I have made any progress. We will keep you all posted! We are both super excited and anxious to meet our little princess! The above picture is the only picture I have of me at 35 weeks. The dr said yesterday that I was stretched to the max...and this picture shows that!! LOL Hope you are all doing well!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Getting Ready for Little Miss!!

Things have been super busy here at home getting ready for Camdyn's arrival. Justin has been doing things non stop since he got back from his month long trip to Spain. I think he is officially done with getting everything set up for her other than her pack n play.
I tried to take pics of him working so hard...there are a lot so I just picked a few to share!

Hanging curtains in the nursery...

Putting the stroller together...with a little help :)

Putting the rocker together for the nursery...

Installing the car seat...again with a little help :)

Putting the swing together...Riley was not fond of this at all so she was no help here